The buyers would sell a few years later at a profit, the remaining Yahoo would be much leaner. 几年后,再将公司售出以赚取利润,那时经过大调整的雅虎必将无比苗条。
You must not lend him money at interest or sell him food at a profit. 你借钱给他,不可向他取利;借粮给他,也不可向他多要。
To produce what we can sell at a profit. 生产能获利的适销产品。
A stock option plan gives him shares in the company which he can sell at a profit if the price goes up. 优先认股权计划使得他以从公司提前优惠认购一定股数的股票,一旦股票价格上涨便可以卖出获利。
Developers were not too worried about generating cash flow, because in a pinch they assumed they could always sell the land at a profit or flog as-yet-unbuilt flats to eager buyers on the back of blueprints alone. 开发商不担心筹集现金流的问题,因为必要时他们认为自己总是能以获利价格卖掉土地,或是将还停留在图纸阶段的期房卖给迫不及待的购房者。
Treasury says the government could make money off the assets it buys if the housing market turns around and it's able to sell these at a profit. 财政部称,如果住房市场好转,这笔投资就能收回成本,甚至出售还能带来利润。
They sell it at a profit of a thousand dollars. 他们卖掉它赚了一千美元。
The popular idea was to build up the bottom line quick, then sell out at a profit to a bigger bank. 他们的想法是迅速站稳脚跟,利用获取的利润来发展成更大的银行。
In short selling, investors borrow stocks to sell them, betting that they can buy them back at a lower price and profit from the difference. 在卖空操作中,投资者借入股票,然后将其售出,押注他们能在稍后以更低价格买回这些股票,并从差价中获益。
First, we came to regard the stock market as our piggy bank; if we needed a little spending money, surely we could always sell a few shares of stock or a bit of a mutual fund at a profit. 首先,我们可以把股票当我们的存钱罐,如果我们需要一小笔的开支那我们总是会卖出几股盈利的股票或基金。
Bankers point out that banks can hold a rump stake in the company and gradually sell down the shares over time, perhaps even at a profit. 银行家们指出,银行可以持有剩下的少量股份,随着时间推移逐渐卖掉它们,没准还会有盈利。
We sell them at a hefty profit. 我们以高额利润出售它们。
Investment Bank [ US]; merchant Bank [ UK]: Institution that accepts new issues of stocks from a corporation and attempts to sell them to the public at a profit. 投资银行[美国];商人银行[英国]:接受一家公司新发行的股票并向公众销售以谋利的机构。
The company is offering the DVD below cost to lure you into the store, where it hopes to sell you a washing machine at a profit. 这家公司靠提供低于成本价的DVD诱惑你进去,在你进去之后他们可以卖给你一台洗衣机,这将有利可图。
Another is to sell the stock at a higher price at which they bought it, and make a profit. You can say this is speculation. 另一种方法是以比先前买入股票时更高的价格出售股票而赚钱。你也可以认为这就是投机。
Holding large sums of money, they purchase newly-built properties and sell them at higher prices after a short time to turn a quick profit. 持有大量的资金数额,他们购买新建的属性和在短时间卖出更高的价格为了赚一把外快。
But analysts say it is likely gradually to sell down at least part of the stake it acquired earlier, making a handsome profit in the process. 但分析人士表示,美国银行可能会至少逐渐减持一部分早先购入的建行股权,从中赚取丰厚利润。
The property tycoon was double-dealing by offering the farmer much less than the market price for the land, knowing full well that he could easily sell it at a vast profit. 这个房地产巨头用欺骗的手法,以比市场价格低很多的价钱向该农夫购置了这块土地,他完全知道,他能够轻而易举地售出此土地获取暴利。